Thursday, December 25, 2008
Why My Cat's Eyeshas Stain In Eye
Hello I'm dying to tell you things.
few days ago, the famous marketer Oliver Anvar (do not know if you know) that I am a devoted reader of his ebook has launched a marketing strategy that is frequently used in the United States but that the Italians but lost sight of.
It OTO (One Time Offer) this is a unique offering that the customer automatically receives usually after the purchase of a product and if you do not take advantage at that time will lose the opportunity forever, all thanks to a script installed on your site that does not log the user more than once.
Well I have also used this strategy with you with (and in fact is unique offer that I hope you are one of many who took the ).
What happened? Given the huge success that I had already just a few hours from the promotion I told the story in a blog e. .. Oliver won a place free from 197 € to online seminar that there was yesterday for the second best post written see for yourself do not say bales:
Now you say that the savings in the webinar was great, the tips and strategies that I learned are priceless. Returning
OTO, Oliver during the webinar I did compliment live but said that that does not seem to know about 2,500 people I was the only one to immediately put in place the strategy.
This once again is merely a demonstration that the strategies work only if implemented would otherwise remain only words that do not serve us any good.
Now I do not want the master of life, since this is a mistake that I often make, but if learning strategies such as this put them into practice immediately without wasting time.
For example, if you got all these ebooks to make money with the affiliation from you're waiting to put everything in place? 5 are all professional ebook on the same topic!
Now I salute you and wish you a good day and I apologize if I have dwelt too much, I make you my best wishes for Christmas and I hope you enjoyed the ebook gift from the cost of 17 €.
Ivan Rizzo.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
How To Find A Horizontal Shift
Hello, I am Ivan Rizzo, I did not sleep a wink last night and I'm dying from sleep (and then find out why) now pass straight to the point that you I have written.
The reason why many enterprising marketers fail in their efforts to earn money online is because they have the foundation on which to start, but certainly not made up their minds.
There's too much confusion in the network, we are invaded by information with different views and in the end we never know where to start.
This problem affects mostly beginners.
But now I have the solution to our dilemma, as I said tonight I have not slept because I spent the whole to make the new website:
On this site finally you will find the guide that brighten the ideas and lead you in the right path and could finally start to earn you.
tips and strategies are already HEADS and TESTED (this means that you have used them before other people and they worked)
Go and let me know:
Now you do not mind if I go to bed because they die from sleep, I swear!
Regards, Ivan Rizzo
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Makeup Ideas Attention Grabbing
Let me point out a test on the site " La Stampa. "
It 's a game that measures the ability to recognize only some particular famous paintings.
I leave the link:
Have fun!
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There have been appreciated by many scholars, politicians, clergymen. But the enthusiasm was the same whether the work was created by a young apprentice any, very talented but unknown?
(presentation of the crucified TG1 of 21 December)
(The image is taken from the site of MIBAC)
Monday, December 22, 2008
What Do I Do If I Have A Renal Cyst?
I have made available a page to download many ebooks and reports free.
Login Here: and click in the "Free Ebook "
Bouffe eBook and reports, there are those who want ... needless to say will add many more.
Take one binge
I hope you're happy,
Ivan Rizzo.
PS: Do not forget to also check out the new site graphics and also look at the section " Ebook.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
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Hello friend it seems that a madman has revealed a way to gain through systems membership of more than 5,000 euro per month and even as he earned € 800 in a single day with just one product.
The guy I'm talking about is not a Pincopallino whatever it is ...
It's called Project commissions!
I mean, I did not know anything because I get many emails from various mailing lists (I try to keep me updated and informed as possible) sometimes it happens that I forget to open a few and then I missed the launch, today I accidentally I to read an e-mail Bonsai Nut (an expert in marketing) where highly recommend the purchase of Project Boards.
As soon as I entered the site and I read everything I clicked immediately on the purchase button and I downloaded the guide (it is not exactly one!)
http://www.come-fare-soldi. com / project-committees
Luckily I was still time, I say this because the sales of this product are limited, then the price skyrockets.
Who will not put their hands on this quid will lose a great opportunity.
Do not miss this chance. Here is the link to
Project Committees:
Ivan Rizzo.
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Hello friend we speak of the rich.
Often people think that these people (the rich) are rich because they
been lucky in life, as if they were already born with money, but the truth is very different because everyone
departed from below, from scratch .. .
course you now I can say "Yes and what about those people who are
born into a family already rich?" Well this is true, they will not be
started from scratch, but the family do! In short, there must be someone in the family
who started from scratch, father, grandfather, great grandfather and so on ...
are not born rich.
Just think about Bill Gates ...
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"Battles without heroes. The cultural institutions and profit", volume Salvatore Settis published by Electa, is a collection of contributions of Professor on management, protection of cultural heritage and politics in Italy. I
porporvi part of an interview with Umberto Allemandi Settis, already published in "Il Giornale dell'Arte, November 2002, p.1, with follow on pp. 8-10.
Umberto Allemandi: " What is the training of young people today in Italy?"
Salvatore Settis: "Leaving aside my general concerns, I have some specific concerns that relate particularly to the history of art and relate to Italy, but not all. In recent years it is in fact witnessing the gradual separation of culture figurative art from everything else, from the historical culture, literary and philosophical, as if to study art history enough to know only the history of art. And 'what happens in the generality of the 3800 American universities that are usually low-level [...] and churning out the medieval art historians who do not know Latin, and looking at a picture with the inscription' Ave Maria 'do not understand what means, or even archaeologists who do not know the greek. This process of degradation of the culture is widespread and in my view extraordinarily risky. But in this process have been supplemented by another which is the specialty for more and more narrow chronological periods. [...] The current trend of the studies is to specialize on an artist or a century at most two, the lack of people who have a broader look at the negative consequences [...] Unfortunately aumegntando is the number of people who have this double limit: the specific history of art and the specific 'relevant period'. This is a very negative and in Italy, where I fear you go generalizing, took a much more dangerous because it is disguised as progress. "
UA: " What do you think of first degree courses in Cultural Heritage ? "
SS: " They are part of the process of degradation and are based on the absurd that the cultural heritage constitute a separate domain. This is one of the nonsense that you can eggiori inventare, è una cosa per cui basta fermarsi e chiudere gli occhi trenta secondi per capire che è di una abissale stupidità. L' Odissea e la Divina Commedia non sono beni culturali? Con la sciagurata istituzione dei corsi di laurea in Beni Culturali si è creata ina storia dell'arte che non esiste, tendenzialmente senza la storia, la letteratura ec. Nel concreto cosa sta succedendo? I corsi di laurea in Beni Culturali istituiti in Itlia in generale prevedono esami di storia dell'arte, quelche esame di management dei musei o cose di questo genere, poca storia, poca letteratura, niente filologia: insomma si arriva a un impoverimento della storia dell'arte clamoroso."
And then the interview continues. The question that has
Allemandi propose again to the readers: What do you think of first degree courses in Cultural Heritage?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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If you have not used the affiliate programs you'll surely realize that it is not so easy to use them, especially those that sell infoprodotti.
It seems that 90% of the affiliates earn very little (if anything).
Only 10% earn really big bucks ... Ivan
Well you want to enter the 10%?
So I know that a big surprise for you.
================= Here
strategies that will make you join the 10% ...
But I must also say that you are getting these strategies only NOW at the same time when accessing this link:
This is like a train or salts or we lose it forever ...
I'm not kidding, it is unique and unrepeatable opportunity that will not happen ever again!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
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The infoprodotti, are those products where there is a training in respect of any category.
Anything that teaches you to do something, such as recipes for cooking.
are usually labeled in this way only digital products and not physical ones.
An example of infoprodotti are: e-books, video tutorials, audio courses, DVDs containing tele-conferences, seminars, etc. ... related to any category, self-motivation, personal growth and financial health and wellness, and instruction manuals, sports, culinary arts, and so on.
The power of digital products (including software) lies in the delivery instant.
infoprodotti The United States are sold in a crazy way, just think only Clickbank, the largest portal affiliate information products.
There are over 10,000 info-products on Clickbank.
In america buy infoprodotti, including ebooks, returns to normal, but unlike in our country, where even for the people it is a novelty.
on Clickbank, you can find ebooks of all kinds, for example, recently I found an ebook that taught them to create videos and edit them to your liking, a guide that explained everything about creating videos.
Its cost was $ 97! Let's face it, in Italy who would buy a product similar to the cost of 97 €?
None or almost ...
So you understand that the U.S. market is much larger than ours, but in Italy a few years now ebooks are now a real boom.
The people on the Internet is always looking for information, something they need and are willing to pull out your wallet just to get them.
The infoprodotti are just what they need more people and this is the most sold.
For this reason, when you create your e-book, you base it on a much sought after area, the and market niches are endless.