"The blitz will be what we want to condemn this morning in the rooms of the Italian power: will be cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and research universities to put in the hands of private entities, and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. Today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools, and red as the coffers of public education, as red as the blood of soldiers who died in wars that do not belong to us (as the government Berlusconi's first cut school funds on the other seeks to increase spending on the unnecessary war in Afghanistan and even, instead of withdrawing troops to a particular question moral but also economic, aims to arm the bombers). We do not believe at all possible that the funds for private schools have gone from 130 to 245 million, helping to create a deep chasm and an enormous gap between public and private training. This reform also introduces the Fund for Merit, a form of borrowing that created by funds provided by private individuals, which will replace scholarships. Students in practice have access to and benefit from this money, but then must return them with interest, as a real bank loan. This will in practice a form of borrowing to keep the study, something that contrasts highly with the concept of University public that we all know. Our movement has decided to implement a striking protest of this magnitude because we are convinced that this is one of the Gelmini reform that seriously endangers the sacrosanct right to study and wrong to attack the real evils of the University, as the clientelism and the lack of consideration to scientific research, as well as the reform does not in any way attacking the power of the barons, in fact increases their power and range by strengthening boards of directors made up the vast majority of individuals. Therefore, our mobilization will continue. "
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Scars On Stomach Problems During Pregnancy
"The blitz will be what we want to condemn this morning in the rooms of the Italian power: will be cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and research universities to put in the hands of private entities, and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. Today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools, and red as the coffers of public education, as red as the blood of soldiers who died in wars that do not belong to us (as the government Berlusconi's first cut school funds on the other seeks to increase spending on the unnecessary war in Afghanistan and even, instead of withdrawing troops to a particular question moral but also economic, aims to arm the bombers). We do not believe at all possible that the funds for private schools have gone from 130 to 245 million, helping to create a deep chasm and an enormous gap between public and private training. This reform also introduces the Fund for Merit, a form of borrowing that created by funds provided by private individuals, which will replace scholarships. Students in practice have access to and benefit from this money, but then must return them with interest, as a real bank loan. This will in practice a form of borrowing to keep the study, something that contrasts highly with the concept of University public that we all know. Our movement has decided to implement a striking protest of this magnitude because we are convinced that this is one of the Gelmini reform that seriously endangers the sacrosanct right to study and wrong to attack the real evils of the University, as the clientelism and the lack of consideration to scientific research, as well as the reform does not in any way attacking the power of the barons, in fact increases their power and range by strengthening boards of directors made up the vast majority of individuals. Therefore, our mobilization will continue. "
Monday, December 13, 2010
Parts For Baby Walkers
While the naming of the new assembly room - we consider the marginal - is becoming the scene of a succession of names of various characters, Pertini from neighbors, from Pasolini to Rago, our core Forza Nuova back on the field - after collecting signatures against the realization of multifunctional center for immigrants - to present its project to the city of directors and the transparency of public participation political life. Our proposal is to equip The new assembly room - whatever its name - a system of cameras and webcams, which can resume the public session to broadcast live and delayed streaming "on the site of the City . This project aims to increase the participation of Battipagliese and transparency of local politics, stimulate and increase the degree of accountability of the political representative, bringing it close to the city and put all in a position to know, even in detail and with appropriate timing, the Topics on the agenda, allowing to monitor changes in the City Council. We propose, therefore, that the municipality of Battipaglia transmit live audio - Video on the internet all meetings of the national parliament and to make available, always on the internet, all records of meetings, in audio and audio-video and that such records are freely downloadable for a defined time.
The advantages are many:
1.Drill and economy: available technologies are accessible to the vast majority of Battipagliese;
2.Massimo Policy Support Network i initiated discussions within the Board meeting may initiate new topics and insights on the internet, more easily, becomes a place of opinion and conversation. Shining example is the social network "Facebook", from which many still regard;
3.Eliminate constraints of space and time : the realization of our project would provide a service without limits and timetables;
4.Immediatezza : the online publication of their proceedings, in contrast to the publication of verbal shorthand that, by law, is mandatory and is always late, is a method for rapid spread.
projects like ours, have become a reality in many parts of Italy. We hope, therefore, that the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors can consider our proposal that, in any event, we will present the population with a leaflets around the city Friday, December 17, starting at 18 . We believe that the City Council is home to all the residents of Battersea and the elected directors have a duty to account for what they do, through our suggestion citizenship may be always aware of what decisions are taken on their behalf .
Forza Nuova Battipaglia
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
To Cure Gentel Warts Does It Hurts
"Students these days are mobilizing against the Reform Gelmini - say students of Forza Nuova - are absolutely right. The only responsible for the violence are the Ministers who insist on cutting, and Tremonti Gelmini , ignoring the legitimate grievances youth. Students are fighting for their future, a future that - according to the militant student protests - are denied by an executive obtusely in unstoppable decline. "We want the immediate withdrawal of the Bill Gelmini - forzanovisti conclude students - and not to defend the school but to completely revolutionize the barons. This reform because it attacks the least power of the barons, but actually creates new and more powerful through the enhancement of the Boards of Directors composed mostly from individuals. "
addition, Fight University, university movement of FN, is preparing to open its doors on campus to Fisciano, where the regional coordinator participated in a political debate held at the headquarters dell'UNISAUND, the official radio station of the University of Salerno. In the coming days, in fact, there will be leaflets on Education in our territory.