Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ideal Percentage Of Muscle For Women


a conference to be held next week in Cividale del Friuli, from Thursday 4 to Sunday, December 7, 2008, entitled the eighth century, a century restless, organized by the city of Cividale and the University of Udine with the scientific direction of Valentino Pace.
The meeting aims to present the state of studies on a monument, work, problems of artistic culture in medieval Europe and in Italy. Are expected to attend than thirty scholars from Italy and abroad, that will bring the results of their recent research and discuss together.

A presentation of the poster and the program at:

(photo: Cividale del Friuli, inside the so-called Temple Lombard - photo Elio Ciol)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can You Out Vasoline On Tattoos

search engine positioning Do you

As you might have got to see by reading some of our focus on Web Marketing eBook and earn money online, one of the secrets' important to succeed in business, is not tied exclusively to your website (although it is also important), the price of your product or anything, but to have a good ranking in Search Engines!

A bit like in real life:

you can have more 'big shopping center with the best products, but if it is nestled on a secluded valley, your business will fail!

the main road, which today counts the passage of almost all the Sailors of the Internet are search engines. Everyone uses them, and that's why the leading players nowadays, it becomes a top priority. Not if you speak a lot lately, in this aspect. Algorithms are studied, it is spoken in the Discussion Forum, we are continuing tests on Google and much more. But ask yourself, is worth all this work?

In reality, if done sensibly, but the best strategy is to focus exclusively on optimizing your site, namely, all natural techniques that encourage the placement on search engines for keywords that characterize your Web Site . All these techniques are called SEO, which stands for Seac Engine Optimization!

one of the secrets that lies at the basis of this technique are the choice and use of your keywords: that is, those words or phrases that identify your site or your product, and their competition in the search engines (including this is only fair to take into account).

All this is not enough: they are very important indeed, even the content of your site (must be of quality and in theme with the key words), pictures (not too heavy), the Link (possibly in theme with the main topic ) and HTML tags (which identify your site in engines).

The combination of all these techniques will bring you an extraordinary result: immediate visibility of your site high in major search engines.

To your success,

Friday, November 28, 2008

Travel Trailer Cleaning Outside Aluminum Sides

Piero in the eighth century Church

revenue from various sources, the controversy between Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the Catholic primate of England and Wales, and the National Gallery in London.
The cardinal believes that works such as the Baptism of Christ by Piero della Francesca's National Gallery should not be placed in a museum, but in a church (and Catholic).
This is an interesting topic on which you could do a lot of comments from the fact that often these paintings are in museums because the churches have them at the time sold.
Forget it every consideration.
I would like to stress that if such a thing had happened in Italy would certainly have been thrown into politics, with ministers or prime ministers who have taken the opportunity to point out with thoughtful seriousness, the Magisterium of the Church's opposition to the people of the unbelievers (the 'current), and against the opposition (now) that would attempt to denucnsiato serious exploitation, scrambling in same time to seek a compromise that does not irritate the Catholic hierarchy. Instead
London responses to the comments of Cardinal came, of course, the National Gallery or the world of scholars. Carry
quote a few sentences:

Luke Syson, curator of collections of Italian Renaissance painting at the National Gallery, "Ours is a space for the contemplation of great art and the subjects represented in it;

Lord St John of Fawsley , former Minister for Culture: "The Cardinal gave us a theological reading brilliant, but who would pay the bill for the acquisition?";

Rachel Campbell-Johnston, art critic of the main Times of London: "What to bring them to church is a foolish dream, first of all because the British clergy is not as rich as the popes of the Medici family and also because the Church has definitely higher priority than dealing with security systems and Climate control mechanisms that serve to preserve these historical masterpieces. "

With the proper and respectful silence of His Britannic Majesty and the Prime Minister.

(photo: Piero della Francesca, Baptism of Christ, 1448-1450, from the abbey in Borgo San Camaldolese Sepulchre, London, National Gallery)

How To Send Message About New Born Baby

Flickr! Raphael at the Brera Art

Is there a site, like many (including too many!) in recent times, which is at the service of everyone, and there are many who want to show their photographic production. You know friends who invite you to see the pictures (once they were slides) of their vacation, children, dog, flowers, insects, etc.?
Some will even happen, and not just me. Nothing wrong with that, but you decide when the show actually ended was always the master of the house, and friends had to suffer for hours, sometimes even hundreds of photos - not all bad, of course. Photos that after a while 'to get us free of any appeal, but only because we are served up in industrial quantities and so invasive (not true: not only for that). Results: The master is the only one to enjoy them while reviewing undaunted and satisfied with dreamy eyes.
Here, Flick multiply endlessly this possibility, but with the unique advantage that we see only what interests us and, fundamentally, only until interests us. Viewed more broadly
Flickr blog looks like a great collector of pictures.
certainly do not want to advertise on this site, but it's worth a ride.
Here is the url:

course, registering, you can start entering your own images (100 Mb per month). There will sooner or later someone passing by will tell you what think of this or that photo. (But no one will tell you if your photo sucks. At least I think).

If I spoke of Flickr, however, is mainly because you can find many images of architecture and art. It can be a good way to access a large photographic archive of world art. And maybe to help increase.

(photo: the arena in Barcelona in November 2005, during renovations. Note that the entire facade of the ring was lifted from ground beams. If anyone has photos of the state "after care" the items, if you like, or they give notice).

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Make A Model Viking Ship

some time visitors Brera are a "cage" in one of transparent salt. Inside you can see the Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael in restoration.
Restoration show? No, indeed.
This is a real "operation transparency". The painting is seen as highly skilled technicians to turn their care and, if you have the patience and perseverance to pass from time to time you can follow the evolution of the action and you realize how you can work. Our right, they will say, given that the work belongs to us citizens, however, that we pay too much in the restoration, but in Italy it is a fact not very common. Almost always, the restoration works undertaken simply "disappear" into silence for a time not be assessed (and this is understandable), unless suddenly reappear, even after years and years, as star of an "event" more or less the media, and often not even that. At the site contains information and insights, and also the list of everyone, absolutely everyone, managers and operators involved in the intervention.
(The photo reproduced here is taken from the site of the Pinacoteca di Brera).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Traseros Grandes Blok Posp

This blog is for all those who think that art is not an accessory, but a part of us that things that exist "for beauty" are not useless, as they say too often a cliche, that "culture" is not a word to be ashamed, but what distinguishes civilization dall'inciviltà.

will try to give news about events, facts, abuse, involving those special items of our past and our present we call monuments and works of art.

The blog is open to all who wish to confront these issues by contributing to the reporting of relevant information, expressing opinions or sharing, advancing objections, approval, disapproval, suggestions.

(Pictured above: detail of the cupola of the hermitage of San Galgano - Siena)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Watch South Online On Iphone

Ten Euro per day?

The last time we saw how to solve the problem of digital delivery on ebay.

Now we talk about the advantages of selling ebook on the largest auction site on the planet.

Selling ebooks on eBay is a real commercial market that can provide a great opportunity for success for both the seller and the buyer. One of the most interesting is that eBooks are often sold with Resell Rights . What does this mean and how it can help the buyer and the dealer?

the resale rights are granted by the author of an eBook (or other digital product qualisasi) and allow the resale of their products to those who buy from them. In turn, the compatore can turn these rights rivendedo eBooks and earning 100% of the profit generated by these sales. There are no fees or royalties to be paid to the author. (But remember that the copyright is owned by the original author. The Copyright is not transferable, you can only distribute products.)

So, everyone has their own gain the resale rights.

digital products, such as eBooks, are easy to sell. Here's an example of why selling eBooks can bring real benefits:

1. Very often, the author always provides a copy of the ebook's sales page graphics or a web page already set up so that it can be easily customized with your contact info and the link to be able to download the file directly to prospective clients .

2. is not required if no shipment propdotto somente will be distributed via the Internet. Some sellers choose to burn your eBook on CD and mailed to their customers. (By doing this, however, the seller loses much of the gain by calculating the costs of packing, shipping and support CD.) It 's very important to note at this point that if you are deciding to sell the eBook delivery via a link to download, it is against eBay policy to add the shipping costs for those items. Many eBook sellers still charge the costs of packing and shipping but I think it is best to follow all the rules aa. Keeping your account will always have a clean enhanced reputation on eBay.

3. Selling digital products is not time consuming. At the beginning of course, you will have to deal with different aspects, how to upload all the ebook on your own server, or customize the sales pages and create listings for eBay and list the products. But when avrete automatizzato il tutto tramite eBay e le consegne digitali, potrete spendere solo qualche ora al giorno per rispondere ai messaggi e sviluppare rapporti con i vostri acquirenti o potenziali compratori. Queste poche ore saranno utilizzate ovviamente anche per controllare le proprie vendite, sviluppare nuovi eBook e studiare i prodotti invenduti.

Se dai un’occhiata, cercando su la parola chiave ebook, guida, guadagnare ecc… ti renderai conto che molti ebook sono venduti a prezzi come 1,99.

Pensa se ipoteticamente riesci a vendere lo stesso ebook 5 volte al giorno, sono quasi 10 euro, non saranno tanti ok, ma visto lo sforzo…

Per concludere, if you have not already download my free report "on Ebay First Steps" from this link:

You can give and First Steps on Ebay distribute to whomever you want and where you want and you can easily sell it on ebay or wherever you like.

To your success!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Chase Commercial, Song

Selling Digital Items on Ebay Ebook and Make Money on the Internet

For some time he deigned its members an official news ...
to say that digital delivery no longer exists (but do not realize we were already there?)

Here's the link: # 2008-04-16121726

The Site is not very accurate, just simply say that the objects
may be submitted electronically or digitally transferred more
can not be sold, either in size or Buy It Now auction, selecting
the "digital objects".

Honestly I must say that, as usual, there was a fall of Style
as regards the Italian Platform for eBay, because, while in America there was a communication
well in advance and an alternative strategy, not only in Italy
There have been reports about the immediate situation, but is not given nor
explanations and certainly not many alternatives for Sellers
based their work on the sale of eBooks and InfoProdotti.

Now you want to know the good news?

You can still sell ebooks on ebay!

But I will not go on too long, please download this ebook from this link where you can find the explanation completely FREE:

you soon,

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Great Masterbation Demonstration

than ever at this time, broke out in the world of BOOM Italiano circa il

lavorare da casa
guadagnare su internet
internet marketing


Probabilmente ormai ne hai sentito parlare in maniera diffusa, anche se in diverse forme. La realtà è che comunque in Italia non c’e’ ancora una “grande” cultura in questo settore, cosa che negli Stati Uniti e’ una realta’ del tutto identica a quello di un lavoro “normale”, tradizionale.

In Italia c’e’ un alone di mistero misto a paura per quanto riguarda la possibilita’ di fare Soldi in Internet.

Le persone si dividono in due Categorie:

chi crede che sia tutta una
cheat who thinks it is possible or want more, earn on the internet ... not doing anything.
Those in category two, after a while ', will find themselves disappointed in not being able to earn their elusive business according to "look" passively or doing very little.

Or, worse yet, find themselves cheated by some, not very clear, firm that offers the possibility 'to earn € 1000 per month just by sending emails and buy their product .. and what do you want to be these little expenditure against € 1000 per month for the rest of your life ... without doing anything to come ?!??!

So basically, there is one category in Italy in which sooner or later we find ourselves, and the number one :-).

Well, that 'the first step and also the first filter.

Many people stop here and go around preaching about how the Internet is a scam, you should be careful 'cause somebody before you freghera' and that what is proposed and 'a rip-off.

We've all, for better or for worse, for this group of people

The most important thing however, is to insist, not to surrender, and especially change the perspective about the work online. In the past you've tried one way but not brought you results? Perhaps the problem was yours ... and the Internet. Here's what

do in a practical way to change attitude:

First thing if you happened, analyze the scam or the disappointments you've received and start to consider the lessons, sometimes a bit 'too expensive for sure, but still lessons.
Second, try to study and understand the mistakes and avoid repeating them.
Third, change your approach to work on the Internet.
There are no honest work, that allow you to make money without doing anything.

any new activity ', especially at the beginning requires investment of time, energy and money.

requires a commitment to acquire the skills' required, then study and apply. The advantage

Internet and 'that can do all this without leaving home and leisure. Certainly the most 'devote time to learn and refine your skills', before you create your business' first and starts to make you money.

And with these tools today, your business' online, once started, it becomes automatic, that generates money while you're doing something else, maybe sleeping, doing another job while on vacation, play with your children Stay with your wife or husband.

E 'this is the real revolution.

These are ultimately the benefits of working online

can do everything with your computer and from anywhere in the world (even from the beach :-))

you can do (at least) in his spare time, while keeping your business 'main

few expenses sometimes near zero, in order to ramp up your business'

large reservoir of users, potentially around the world.

Keep in mind that work on the Internet means working, and commitment, there is no money raining from the sky! With this in mind and giving us the necessary time to learn and gain experience, everyone, and I mean everyone can create an activity 'online, of any kind.

So start looking for new opportunities' to gain real, and not absurd proposals of earnings effortlessly, without doing anything ... without effort ....

acquire the skills' you need, you can do so starting to read books or eBooks on business or earn money online, perhaps even on the area you are interested. Do not think you should buy a guide, a manual or ebook only then to be able to resell, but as the necessary training that allows you to become more 'expert in a particular field. And if you have the possibility to earn, the better ;-).

Learn one of the skills '"compulsory" to take off any active' you're creating, which is to do marketing.

So today, one of the most interesting, 'surely the affiliate marketing and retail, which lets you create a lucrative business with very little cost and great visibility': the dream of all.

In America there are thousands of affiliate network that allow any type of product, even in digital form as may be an electronic book, eBook.

In Italy things are a bit 'different, but lately something is moving, are finally emerging new reality that it really allows you to create gains from the Internet, promoting the right way other people's products, after commissions. But maybe we'll talk about in another article.

Well, now it's up to you. Armed with patience and willingness to learn and do. The tools are there.

Ivan Rizzo

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Color Pants To Wear With Purple Work Shirt

Go BOOM in the first position on Google Free ...

you have your own product to sell on the Internet and do not know how? Want to increase traffic to your website? Today the Internet gives us an important new tools, directly from the USA!

It's called "Article Marketing ", a form of fast communication, very effective to give greater visibility to a website, a web page, a product ... It has the ability to insert at the end articles, his signature, the link to the site reviewed, information personal or product you're advertising ...

It is, at the same time, a great tool if used the right way (a few tricks) to climb the rankings of search engines and still, in most cases, it is a system of communication and spreading free!

Unfortunately, not everyone can implement it in the right way, in fact complaining about wasting time and resources but failing to achieve the desired results in terms of visits and sales!

here are a few tips to follow:

Write quality content

This is the point. Write details, and content that are truly beneficial to anyone, for the people who read, who take their time. Especially if you are selling a product in other Affiliate, your release will be the mirror of your image.

Write a title that captures the attention

must first understand who our readers, to whom we address, and choose a title that is clear, effectively representing the contents of our statement.

Write in the right form

It 'important to be brief, without unnecessary digressions, which tire the reader. Write maybe even breaking into paragraphs, clear, that help to structure the speech. It may also be useful to use the bold (more appropriate than the color) but not excessively so, because it can give an idea of \u200b\u200bconfusion.

Want to know more?

Click here:

Regards, Ivan Rizzo

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funky Fabric Wallpaper

Attention is exploding an atomic bomb

Hello friend, today I want to make a super gift.

I'm not kidding.

Hold tight because what I am suggesting it may shock you. Find out at this link

Greetings Ivan