Is there a site, like many (including too many!) in recent times, which is at the service of everyone, and there are many who want to show their photographic production. You know friends who invite you to see the pictures (once they were slides) of their vacation, children, dog, flowers, insects, etc.?
Some will even happen, and not just me. Nothing wrong with that, but you decide when the show actually ended was always the master of the house, and friends had to suffer for hours, sometimes even hundreds of photos - not all bad, of course. Photos that after a while 'to get us free of any appeal, but only because we are served up in industrial quantities and so invasive (not true: not only for that). Results: The master is the only one to enjoy them while reviewing undaunted and satisfied with dreamy eyes.
Here, Flick multiply endlessly this possibility, but with the unique advantage that we see only what interests us and, fundamentally, only until interests us. Viewed more broadly
Flickr blog looks like a great collector of pictures.
certainly do not want to advertise on this site, but it's worth a ride.
Here is the url: http://www.flickr.com
course, registering, you can start entering your own images (100 Mb per month). There will sooner or later someone passing by will tell you what think of this or that photo. (But no one will tell you if your photo sucks. At least I think).
If I spoke of Flickr, however, is mainly because you can find many images of architecture and art. It can be a good way to access a large photographic archive of world art. And maybe to help increase.
(photo: the arena in Barcelona in November 2005, during renovations. Note that the entire facade of the ring was lifted from ground beams. If anyone has photos of the state "after care" the items, if you like, or they give notice).
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