Friday, April 24, 2009

Cover Letter For Graduatedental Hygiene

Small introduction to Leonardo da Vinci

Compendium of classes Wednesday, April 22 and Friday, April 24

General problems in the approach to Leonardo

. the difficulty of access to biographical texts of Leonardo

. philological publication of the writings of Leonardo

. the romantic myth of Leonardo: a self-taught scientist?

. the culture of Leonardo through verification of modern sources

. training school abacus

. abachistica culture and its importance for the training of middle-class Tuscan

. What will I learn at school abacus

. the abacus and artists: the cases of rows and Piero

Leonardo and the establishment of a new type of artist

Training pictorial

. Sources: in the workshop of Verrocchio

. Verrocchio and his workshop

. The workshop of Verrocchio in the late sixties

. Access to the Society of Painters in 1472: how a corporation

. 1473: the landscape drawing in the Cabinet of the Uffizi

. works mentioned by sources until 1482

. transfer to Milan

The deconstruction of Leonardo's catalog, starting from Full catalog Angela Ottino by the Church

Baptism of Christ , Florence, Uffizi (yellow)

- Albertini (1510) gives one of the two angels in Leonardo

- Attributed to Verrocchio it 's book Antonio Billi (1515)

- Vasari (1550) blends the two traditions

The Annunciation Monteoliveto , Florence, Uffizi (red)

- not mentioned in the sources

- not mentioned by Vasari

- attributed to Leonardo da Liphart (1869)

Portrait of woman (the lady Liechtenstein, Ginevra Benci) , Washington, National Gallery of Art, Kress collection (red)

- not cited sources

- not mentioned by Vasari

- awarded for the first time in Waagen (1866)

Madonna holding out a pomegranate to the Child , Washington, National Gallery of Art, Kress (red)

- unnamed sources

- not mentioned by Vasari

- attributed by Suidas (1929) and then by Degenhart ( 1932)

Madonna holding out a flower to the Child (Madonna Benois) , St. Petersburg, Hermitage (red)

- not sources cited by

- not mentioned by Vasari

- given for the first time in Leonardo da Liphart (1909-1910)

Annunciation , Paris, Louvre (red)

- not cited sources

- not literature cited by Vintage Art

- attributed to Leonardo Morelli (1875)

Madonna of the Carnation (Madonna of the flowers) , Monaco, Alte Pinakothek (red)

- not cited sources

- not mentioned Art literature of the period

- attributed to Leonardo da Bayersdorfer (1886)

San Gerolamo , Rome, Pinacoteca Vaticana (red)

- not cited sources

- not mentioned in the literature Art Vintage

- attributed to Leonardo for the first time in the nineteenth century

Adoration of the Magi, Uffizi Gallery, Florence (yellow, green if there is a contract)

- there is (perhaps) the contract of contract

- is attributed to Leonardo da Vasari and subsequent inventories

Virgin of the Rocks, Paris, Louvre


- File:Leonardo VergineDelleRocce Louvre.jpg


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