Get 100 Feedback in 7 Days
today will reveal the secret to receive hundreds and hundreds of feedback and why this is important.
Your feedback rating on ebay may limit your ability to sell and buy.
In what way? Your feedback
represent the number of members were satisfied with the transaction that took part between you and them, for this reason, more your feedback score is high, the more people will have confidence in buying from you.
But this is not the only reason!
The number of feedback if you have low may limit the sales tools of your ebay account, but the most important thing feedback you have, the greater your visibility!
I have no doubt that now you understand the importance of receiving feedback many fast ... now get ready because I'm a great secret to share with you!
The method to get enough feedback and must meet all the rules of ebay is very simple ...
Search ebay products that have costs that tend to 0. I suggest you use this trick nell'ebay American or how you had explained in the last email.
I suggest you purchase the ebook ... why? They have costs ranging from 0 to 1 USD and do not require shipping. In addition, most contain the Resell Rights or Master Resell rights, in this modo li andrai a vendere anche tu, e ti accorgerai di quanta gente li acquista.
Quindi da una parte i tuoi feedback aumenteranno vertiginosamente e dall'altra parte guadagnerai anche qualche soldino, niente male no?
Tutto ciò che devi fare è entrare con il tuo acconto da (ebay americano) e acquistare da lì ebook o anche wallpaper (cioè sfondi desktop).
Ti ringrazio ancora una volta per la lettura, e ti auguro tutto il successo che meriti.
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