was September 29, 1997 when, with a solemn oath and with the protection of St. Michael the Archangel was founded Forza Nuova.
On this day, every militant solemnly renewed their pledge of allegiance to the cause forzanovista, invoking the powerful intercession of the prince of the heavenly army San Michele Arcangelo, which presents the Catholic Tradition as one who leads the angelic hosts faithful to God [the Holy Trinity: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit], against the rebellion of Lucifer.
The meaning of the name Michael is an act of loyalty and a war cry together: loyalty to God and His command, the war on those who deny, that Lucifer and his hosts. Michael, in fact, means "who as God", and this is the cry that launched the Archangel before the rebellion of those who do not accept the plan of Creatore.La figure of St. Michael the Archangel is manifest, therefore, in what may be considered subversive act par excellence, just the "Non Serviam" Lucifer, the refusal to serve God and indulge His plan, the act of the struggle between order el'antiordine, being fought between the men in time and space, is its dramatic reflection. San Michele is, therefore, the celestial guide of those who lined up under the banner of the Holy Trinity and fight to defend and assert order in human society, against the advisers of impiety, but also guide and help the fight that each of us is called to lead within, against anything that defiles our dignity as men and Christians.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches us to ask for help with these words: "Sancte Michael Archangel defends proel in nos. During the so-called Middle Ages, ie during the era of the Roman-Germanic European Christianity, which was the period of great faith and devotion - where the summit took up religion in the lives of individuals and the hierarchy of the political and social - the figure of St. Michael was dominant and highly venerated. The cavalry, ie the order of the fighters and defenders of the faith and of Christian society, has as its patron and defender of San Michele (Duce cavalry blue), being, however, St. George the archetype of holiness chivalry. The choice of Forza Nuova
to place themselves under the patronage of St. Michael the Archangel, shows the awareness of participating in a battle whose terms are only a reflection of political, practice social economic and the best way to demonstrate this awareness, can only be represented by a coherent life-style.
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