Sunday, October 31, 2010
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BATTIPAGLIA - Forza Nuova against the decision of Mayor John Santomauro to build a multipurpose center in the city for immigrants. Yesterday afternoon, the militant group led by Mario Pucciarelli carried out a leafleting in the district of Saint Anne to invite the citizens to general mobilization against the project called "Passepartout". "The next City Council intends to create a multifunctional center for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli, near the middle school Fiorentino - writes Pucciarelli - The project" Passepartout "in fact, intends to draw on resources from a national operational plan that, instead, involves the use of European funds to help deliver services to the neediest areas of the nation. Forza Nuova, for the good of the community Battipagliese, is opposed to this initiative for several reasons. " The presence of this structure in the center, says Pucciarelli, "caused enormous inconvenience to Battipagliese, especially the inhabitants of the district Sant'Anna, where it would be located. Populations of many immigrants, most of them illegal immigrants, we risk turning this neighborhood into a receptacle of degradation and crime, adding to the already existing security issues. " • "The premises of the hypothetical center of the Judiciary removed to the underworld to donate to the city - says Forza Nuova - should be otherwise used for the provision of public services which the city is lacking. There are requirements of extreme importance to the people of Battersea, but left the junta has decided to commit only to solve the problems of immigrants. "
From "The City of Salerno - October 30, 2010 - page 29
Friday, October 29, 2010
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Picture of the newspaper" The New Salernitano "of Friday, October 29, 2010
Passepartout" for illegal immigrants? No, thanks!
The City Council will next create a multifunctional center for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli, near Florence Middle School. The project of "Passepartout" in fact, intends to draw on resources from National Operational Plan that, instead, provides, in large part, the use of European funds for these deliver services to help the most disadvantaged areas of the nation.
Forza Nuova, for the good of the community Battipagliese, is firmly opposed to this initiative for the following reasons:
1) The presence of such a structure in the city center caused enormous inconvenience to Battipagliese, namely, S'Anna the residents of the neighborhood, where it would be located: people with many immigrants, most of them illegal immigrants, we risk turning this neighborhood into a receptacle of degradation and crime, adding that safety issues existing in the city of 'On the other hand, we are confident that the Conference Centre is not actually a "fig leaf" to oversee the establishment of secretly some mosque or Islamic cultural center?
2) The premises of the hypothetical Conference Centre that the Judiciary removed to the underworld to donate to the City, should be otherwise used for public service delivery of social and civic education, which the city is deficient (libraries, points recreation etc.)..
3) There needs of extreme importance to the people of Battersea, but the addition of left carpeted incurable fixations of its ideological anti-national, decided to commit to solve only the problems of foreign immigrants, leaving out the forgotten and abandoned perennial daily inconveniences that involve our fellow citizens. For these reasons
UNDER NEW absolutely can not allow this city, traditionally Christian loses its dignity and its historical connotations to become a multi-ethnic poor Babel.
We encourage citizens to resist, without failure, the project "Passepartout" of the City and to fight to secure a future for our common destiny.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Just a few days, in fact, been removed by the famous social network accounts of four groups: Montoro, Avellino, Battipaglia and Colleferro. Our
page was promptly rebuilt, click here to request the friendship!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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Yesterday, Saturday, Oct. 9, 18 pm, the militants Salerno Forza Nuova and student protests, took to the streets of leaflets Portanova for information and education campaigns on themes heard in recent days, as Reform Gelmini.
is shown the text of the leaflets distributed with success:
Reform and Gelmini cuts to education, vital to the intellectual-cultural future of a people, are really the tip of the iceberg of a much larger problem. This government has chosen to punish him on Public Education will substantially cut funding for school construction, teaching hours, and then teachers (thousands and thousands of temporary workers), forcing brilliant academics to exile, rather than solve the problem upstream.
One wonders why the state does not require the claim against the company Atlantis, which received the grant for the installation of 20,000 slot machines throughout Italy, which amounts to about 31 billion euros, or why large amounts of public money spent on unnecessary and expensive (in terms of human lives) war missions, for the maintenance of four unusable vessels Tirrenia not to mention the countless privileges, benefits and pensions to ensure that the caste itself and its joint lifetime.
Forza Nuova and its youth section, student protests, they propose:
1) Withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan
2) retrieval of the claim against the Atlantis
3) Demolition or sale of vessels Tirrenia
4) Maximum penalty to tax evaders
5) Reduction of salaries and privileges to parliamentarians
6) Re-use of public money for the fight against insecurity and the benefit of school buildings, many of which fall apart (as in the tragedy of Rivoli, which cost the life of a 17 year old student hit by collapse of the ceiling of his classroom).
Friday, October 8, 2010
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banners against the Gelmini reform in front of the Liceo Scientifico E. Medi Battipaglia
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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The nascent core Battipagliese of student protests, the organization of the students close to Forza Nuova, today announced that it will take part in the strike against the reform Gelmini held on 8 October.
"We successfully found the protests - warns student protests - the ddl Gelmini should not be amended, should be withdrawn. If we care for the many temporary teachers and university researchers in which the Gelmini shamefully closed the door in the face of teaching, by students we worry even more for our future, which presents itself alarming. And we do not think - they emphasize the youth of Forza Nuova-only classes with 30 or more children in 30 square meters, we think not only to schools that collapsed in the head because you have to save money, we think especially the quality of training that fades inexorably towards the abyss, we think of the weekly surveys of European institutions we placed in the bottom of the lineup for the quality of teaching. We think above all that we do not want a school that you think just introducing us to the world of work, ie a school already precarious factory: we want a school where knowledge is shared partecipatoe, quality, all right, and why - to complete the militants LS - we will fight with the students of our city. "
Monday, October 4, 2010
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The local newspapers are covering interest after an initial silence with what looks increasingly like a real popular uprising.
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Considering the serious political situation in which there is the 'Italy still has precedence over all internal and external activities, procedures preconvention will take place in times and places established by the regulation established for the purpose by the secretariat. New
Force is preparing to host its Congress in this training and members of civil society, men and women whose will is now more than ever to save the 'Italy at this time to give serious and the' idea of \u200b\u200ba clear and Movement a political class who are preparing to replace the political parties and protagonists of the failure.
Up to newly elected local leaders, provincial and regional office will have to continue with their political tasks and tasks of coordinating and 'political office headed by the national secretary Roberto Fiore, the task to identify the strategy and battles of the Movement.