The nascent core Battipagliese of student protests, the organization of the students close to Forza Nuova, today announced that it will take part in the strike against the reform Gelmini held on 8 October.
"We successfully found the protests - warns student protests - the ddl Gelmini should not be amended, should be withdrawn. If we care for the many temporary teachers and university researchers in which the Gelmini shamefully closed the door in the face of teaching, by students we worry even more for our future, which presents itself alarming. And we do not think - they emphasize the youth of Forza Nuova-only classes with 30 or more children in 30 square meters, we think not only to schools that collapsed in the head because you have to save money, we think especially the quality of training that fades inexorably towards the abyss, we think of the weekly surveys of European institutions we placed in the bottom of the lineup for the quality of teaching. We think above all that we do not want a school that you think just introducing us to the world of work, ie a school already precarious factory: we want a school where knowledge is shared partecipatoe, quality, all right, and why - to complete the militants LS - we will fight with the students of our city. "
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