A real "blitz" against the blue lines in the city car parks has been put in place in the late afternoon from the nucleus Battipagliese Forza Nuova. The militant movement's radical right have attacked a number of leaflets on parking meters installed in parking lots of downtown. The columns were filled with leaflets bearing the words "illegal blue stripes."
"For too long - look at the national coordinator of Forza Nuova, Mario Pucciarelli - citizens and shopkeepers suffer this nasty oppressive tool that municipalities use to make cash and fund their own costs. On 9 January 2007, the Supreme Court of Cassation has ruled in favor of those citizens who, according to Article 7 of the Highway Code, have appealed against fines considered, rightly, illegal. "
"With this blitz - continues Pucciarelli - Forza Nuova wants to bring to the attention of the nationality of the illegal parking fee at Battipaglia and asked the municipal compliance with Article 7 paragraph 8 of the Highway Code which provides for the presence blue stripes limited to a maximum of 50% of total parking spaces in the same area. In addition, paragraph 6 of that Article provides that the blue lines are external to the road. Stripes "illegal" because it placed inside the lane, whole areas of the city which is not observed in the proportion of paid parking and free parking, and above all, lack the ability to integrate the payment of the ticket if the stay exceeded the 'schedule. As is clear from. 6 of the Highway Code, it is also unfair to penalize a motorist is exposed when the ticket but expired; practice that unfortunately happens regularly whenever the citizen is to face a setback, and see it slip time of their stay. "
Force invites all New Battipagliese download from the site www.fnbattipaglia.blogspot.com modules to make use of the Justice of the Peace, and provides free public counsel of its choice for any clarification on this.
"The first 30 minutes in the stands with blue stripes - concludes Pucciarelli - must still be completely free, so no incentive to 'escape' to the parking lots of large shopping centers to the detriment of economic activities of the center."
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