Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Long Does Neutrogena Tanning

" Battles without heroes. The cultural institutions and profit "

"Battles without heroes. The cultural institutions and profit", volume Salvatore Settis published by Electa, is a collection of contributions of Professor on management, protection of cultural heritage and politics in Italy. I
porporvi part of an interview with Umberto Allemandi Settis, already published in "Il Giornale dell'Arte, November 2002, p.1, with follow on pp. 8-10.

Umberto Allemandi: " What is the training of young people today in Italy?"
Salvatore Settis: "Leaving aside my general concerns, I have some specific concerns that relate particularly to the history of art and relate to Italy, but not all. In recent years it is in fact witnessing the gradual separation of culture figurative art from everything else, from the historical culture, literary and philosophical, as if to study art history enough to know only the history of art. And 'what happens in the generality of the 3800 American universities that are usually low-level [...] and churning out the medieval art historians who do not know Latin, and looking at a picture with the inscription' Ave Maria 'do not understand what means, or even archaeologists who do not know the greek. This process of degradation of the culture is widespread and in my view extraordinarily risky. But in this process have been supplemented by another which is the specialty for more and more narrow chronological periods. [...] The current trend of the studies is to specialize on an artist or a century at most two, the lack of people who have a broader look at the negative consequences [...] Unfortunately aumegntando is the number of people who have this double limit: the specific history of art and the specific 'relevant period'. This is a very negative and in Italy, where I fear you go generalizing, took a much more dangerous because it is disguised as progress. "
UA: " What do you think of first degree courses in Cultural Heritage ? "
SS: " They are part of the process of degradation and are based on the absurd that the cultural heritage constitute a separate domain. This is one of the nonsense that you can eggiori inventare, è una cosa per cui basta fermarsi e chiudere gli occhi trenta secondi per capire che è di una abissale stupidità. L' Odissea e la Divina Commedia non sono beni culturali? Con la sciagurata istituzione dei corsi di laurea in Beni Culturali si è creata ina storia dell'arte che non esiste, tendenzialmente senza la storia, la letteratura ec. Nel concreto cosa sta succedendo? I corsi di laurea in Beni Culturali istituiti in Itlia in generale prevedono esami di storia dell'arte, quelche esame di management dei musei o cose di questo genere, poca storia, poca letteratura, niente filologia: insomma si arriva a un impoverimento della storia dell'arte clamoroso."

And then the interview continues. The question that has
Allemandi propose again to the readers: What do you think of first degree courses in Cultural Heritage?


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