"The blitz will be what we want to condemn this morning in the rooms of the Italian power: will be cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and research universities to put in the hands of private entities, and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. Today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools, and red as the coffers of public education, as red as the blood of soldiers who died in wars that do not belong to us (as the government Berlusconi's first cut school funds on the other seeks to increase spending on the unnecessary war in Afghanistan and even, instead of withdrawing troops to a particular question moral but also economic, aims to arm the bombers). We do not believe at all possible that the funds for private schools have gone from 130 to 245 million, helping to create a deep chasm and an enormous gap between public and private training. This reform also introduces the Fund for Merit, a form of borrowing that created by funds provided by private individuals, which will replace scholarships. Students in practice have access to and benefit from this money, but then must return them with interest, as a real bank loan. This will in practice a form of borrowing to keep the study, something that contrasts highly with the concept of University public that we all know. Our movement has decided to implement a striking protest of this magnitude because we are convinced that this is one of the Gelmini reform that seriously endangers the sacrosanct right to study and wrong to attack the real evils of the University, as the clientelism and the lack of consideration to scientific research, as well as the reform does not in any way attacking the power of the barons, in fact increases their power and range by strengthening boards of directors made up the vast majority of individuals. Therefore, our mobilization will continue. "
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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"The blitz will be what we want to condemn this morning in the rooms of the Italian power: will be cut funds to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will destroy the free knowledge and research universities to put in the hands of private entities, and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. Today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools, and red as the coffers of public education, as red as the blood of soldiers who died in wars that do not belong to us (as the government Berlusconi's first cut school funds on the other seeks to increase spending on the unnecessary war in Afghanistan and even, instead of withdrawing troops to a particular question moral but also economic, aims to arm the bombers). We do not believe at all possible that the funds for private schools have gone from 130 to 245 million, helping to create a deep chasm and an enormous gap between public and private training. This reform also introduces the Fund for Merit, a form of borrowing that created by funds provided by private individuals, which will replace scholarships. Students in practice have access to and benefit from this money, but then must return them with interest, as a real bank loan. This will in practice a form of borrowing to keep the study, something that contrasts highly with the concept of University public that we all know. Our movement has decided to implement a striking protest of this magnitude because we are convinced that this is one of the Gelmini reform that seriously endangers the sacrosanct right to study and wrong to attack the real evils of the University, as the clientelism and the lack of consideration to scientific research, as well as the reform does not in any way attacking the power of the barons, in fact increases their power and range by strengthening boards of directors made up the vast majority of individuals. Therefore, our mobilization will continue. "
Monday, December 13, 2010
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While the naming of the new assembly room - we consider the marginal - is becoming the scene of a succession of names of various characters, Pertini from neighbors, from Pasolini to Rago, our core Forza Nuova back on the field - after collecting signatures against the realization of multifunctional center for immigrants - to present its project to the city of directors and the transparency of public participation political life. Our proposal is to equip The new assembly room - whatever its name - a system of cameras and webcams, which can resume the public session to broadcast live and delayed streaming "on the site of the City . This project aims to increase the participation of Battipagliese and transparency of local politics, stimulate and increase the degree of accountability of the political representative, bringing it close to the city and put all in a position to know, even in detail and with appropriate timing, the Topics on the agenda, allowing to monitor changes in the City Council. We propose, therefore, that the municipality of Battipaglia transmit live audio - Video on the internet all meetings of the national parliament and to make available, always on the internet, all records of meetings, in audio and audio-video and that such records are freely downloadable for a defined time.
The advantages are many:
1.Drill and economy: available technologies are accessible to the vast majority of Battipagliese;
2.Massimo Policy Support Network i initiated discussions within the Board meeting may initiate new topics and insights on the internet, more easily, becomes a place of opinion and conversation. Shining example is the social network "Facebook", from which many still regard;
3.Eliminate constraints of space and time : the realization of our project would provide a service without limits and timetables;
4.Immediatezza : the online publication of their proceedings, in contrast to the publication of verbal shorthand that, by law, is mandatory and is always late, is a method for rapid spread.
projects like ours, have become a reality in many parts of Italy. We hope, therefore, that the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors can consider our proposal that, in any event, we will present the population with a leaflets around the city Friday, December 17, starting at 18 . We believe that the City Council is home to all the residents of Battersea and the elected directors have a duty to account for what they do, through our suggestion citizenship may be always aware of what decisions are taken on their behalf .
Forza Nuova Battipaglia
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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"Students these days are mobilizing against the Reform Gelmini - say students of Forza Nuova - are absolutely right. The only responsible for the violence are the Ministers who insist on cutting, and Tremonti Gelmini , ignoring the legitimate grievances youth. Students are fighting for their future, a future that - according to the militant student protests - are denied by an executive obtusely in unstoppable decline. "We want the immediate withdrawal of the Bill Gelmini - forzanovisti conclude students - and not to defend the school but to completely revolutionize the barons. This reform because it attacks the least power of the barons, but actually creates new and more powerful through the enhancement of the Boards of Directors composed mostly from individuals. "
addition, Fight University, university movement of FN, is preparing to open its doors on campus to Fisciano, where the regional coordinator participated in a political debate held at the headquarters dell'UNISAUND, the official radio station of the University of Salerno. In the coming days, in fact, there will be leaflets on Education in our territory.
Monday, November 15, 2010
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feedback for our petition in Piazza Aldo Moro against the absurd proposal of the junta Santomauro: the realization of the multifunctional center for immigrants . Many people interested in the business of our party. Excellent response of a good number of Battipagliese. The petition continues to receive the forms, also via email, please contact: forzanuovabattipaglia@gmail.com
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Friday, November 12, 2010
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continues the battle of the local section of Forza Nuova against the project "Passepartout" the town council, which provides the construction of a multipurpose center for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli . The militants
forzanovisti, in fact, in the morning of Sunday, November 14 , setting up a gazebo in Piazza Aldo Moro to collect signatures against the construction of the Centre.
Passepartout "for illegal immigrants? No, thanks!
The City Council intends to create a multifunctional center left for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli, near the Middle School Fiorentino. The project "Passepartout" in fact, intends to draw on resources from the National Operational Plan that, instead, provides a large degree, the use of these funds to deliver services in European aid to deprived areas of the nation.
Forza Nuova, for the good of the community Battipagliese, is firmly opposed to this initiative for the following reasons:
1) The presence of such a structure in the city center caused enormous inconvenience to Battipagliese, namely, S'Anna the residents of the neighborhood, where it would be located: people with many immigrants, most of them illegal immigrants, we risk turning this neighborhood into a receptacle of degradation and crime, adding that safety issues existing in the city, on the other hand, we are confident that the Conference Centre is not really a " fig leaf "to oversee the establishment of secretly some mosque or Islamic cultural center?
2) The premises of the hypothetical Conference Centre that the Judiciary removed to the underworld to donate to the City, should be otherwise used for public service delivery of social and civic education, which the city is deficient (libraries, recreational items etc...)
3) There needs of extreme importance to the people of Battersea, but the addition of left carpeted incurable fixations of its ideological anti-national, decided to commit to solve only the problems of foreign immigrants, leaving out oblivion and abandoned the perennial daily inconveniences that involve our fellow citizens.
invite citizens to oppose the proposed "Passepartout" the City by signing our petition .
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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BATTIPAGLIA - Continue the battle of right-wing movement "Forza Nuova " against the creation a multipurpose center for immigrants in Battipaglia. After the flyers in the neighborhood last Friday Sant'Anna and accusations of racism came from the national secretary of the PD, Luca Lascaleia, the young right-wing answer to a petition. "Our movement - says Mario Pucciarelli , head of Forza Nuova in Battersea - is not of a racist nature, but is fighting for the defense of national identity, in line with the principle of self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations." "Therefore, taking into account the concerns of citizens Battipagliese, especially of the local population Sant'Anna - Added Pucciarelli - New Force will continue its battle through a collection of signatures, in accordance with the popular sovereignty. " The political group will present the signatures later in the Municipality not to ask officially opening the center.
From "The City of Salerno" - November 2, 2010 - page 23
Sunday, October 31, 2010
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BATTIPAGLIA - Forza Nuova against the decision of Mayor John Santomauro to build a multipurpose center in the city for immigrants. Yesterday afternoon, the militant group led by Mario Pucciarelli carried out a leafleting in the district of Saint Anne to invite the citizens to general mobilization against the project called "Passepartout". "The next City Council intends to create a multifunctional center for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli, near the middle school Fiorentino - writes Pucciarelli - The project" Passepartout "in fact, intends to draw on resources from a national operational plan that, instead, involves the use of European funds to help deliver services to the neediest areas of the nation. Forza Nuova, for the good of the community Battipagliese, is opposed to this initiative for several reasons. " The presence of this structure in the center, says Pucciarelli, "caused enormous inconvenience to Battipagliese, especially the inhabitants of the district Sant'Anna, where it would be located. Populations of many immigrants, most of them illegal immigrants, we risk turning this neighborhood into a receptacle of degradation and crime, adding to the already existing security issues. " • "The premises of the hypothetical center of the Judiciary removed to the underworld to donate to the city - says Forza Nuova - should be otherwise used for the provision of public services which the city is lacking. There are requirements of extreme importance to the people of Battersea, but left the junta has decided to commit only to solve the problems of immigrants. "
From "The City of Salerno - October 30, 2010 - page 29
Friday, October 29, 2010
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Picture of the newspaper" The New Salernitano "of Friday, October 29, 2010
Passepartout" for illegal immigrants? No, thanks!
The City Council will next create a multifunctional center for immigrants at the premises in Via Pascoli, near Florence Middle School. The project of "Passepartout" in fact, intends to draw on resources from National Operational Plan that, instead, provides, in large part, the use of European funds for these deliver services to help the most disadvantaged areas of the nation.
Forza Nuova, for the good of the community Battipagliese, is firmly opposed to this initiative for the following reasons:
1) The presence of such a structure in the city center caused enormous inconvenience to Battipagliese, namely, S'Anna the residents of the neighborhood, where it would be located: people with many immigrants, most of them illegal immigrants, we risk turning this neighborhood into a receptacle of degradation and crime, adding that safety issues existing in the city of 'On the other hand, we are confident that the Conference Centre is not actually a "fig leaf" to oversee the establishment of secretly some mosque or Islamic cultural center?
2) The premises of the hypothetical Conference Centre that the Judiciary removed to the underworld to donate to the City, should be otherwise used for public service delivery of social and civic education, which the city is deficient (libraries, points recreation etc.)..
3) There needs of extreme importance to the people of Battersea, but the addition of left carpeted incurable fixations of its ideological anti-national, decided to commit to solve only the problems of foreign immigrants, leaving out the forgotten and abandoned perennial daily inconveniences that involve our fellow citizens. For these reasons
UNDER NEW absolutely can not allow this city, traditionally Christian loses its dignity and its historical connotations to become a multi-ethnic poor Babel.
We encourage citizens to resist, without failure, the project "Passepartout" of the City and to fight to secure a future for our common destiny.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Just a few days, in fact, been removed by the famous social network accounts of four groups: Montoro, Avellino, Battipaglia and Colleferro. Our
page was promptly rebuilt, click here to request the friendship!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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Yesterday, Saturday, Oct. 9, 18 pm, the militants Salerno Forza Nuova and student protests, took to the streets of leaflets Portanova for information and education campaigns on themes heard in recent days, as Reform Gelmini.
is shown the text of the leaflets distributed with success:
Reform and Gelmini cuts to education, vital to the intellectual-cultural future of a people, are really the tip of the iceberg of a much larger problem. This government has chosen to punish him on Public Education will substantially cut funding for school construction, teaching hours, and then teachers (thousands and thousands of temporary workers), forcing brilliant academics to exile, rather than solve the problem upstream.
One wonders why the state does not require the claim against the company Atlantis, which received the grant for the installation of 20,000 slot machines throughout Italy, which amounts to about 31 billion euros, or why large amounts of public money spent on unnecessary and expensive (in terms of human lives) war missions, for the maintenance of four unusable vessels Tirrenia not to mention the countless privileges, benefits and pensions to ensure that the caste itself and its joint lifetime.
Forza Nuova and its youth section, student protests, they propose:
1) Withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan
2) retrieval of the claim against the Atlantis
3) Demolition or sale of vessels Tirrenia
4) Maximum penalty to tax evaders
5) Reduction of salaries and privileges to parliamentarians
6) Re-use of public money for the fight against insecurity and the benefit of school buildings, many of which fall apart (as in the tragedy of Rivoli, which cost the life of a 17 year old student hit by collapse of the ceiling of his classroom).
Friday, October 8, 2010
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banners against the Gelmini reform in front of the Liceo Scientifico E. Medi Battipaglia
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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The nascent core Battipagliese of student protests, the organization of the students close to Forza Nuova, today announced that it will take part in the strike against the reform Gelmini held on 8 October.
"We successfully found the protests - warns student protests - the ddl Gelmini should not be amended, should be withdrawn. If we care for the many temporary teachers and university researchers in which the Gelmini shamefully closed the door in the face of teaching, by students we worry even more for our future, which presents itself alarming. And we do not think - they emphasize the youth of Forza Nuova-only classes with 30 or more children in 30 square meters, we think not only to schools that collapsed in the head because you have to save money, we think especially the quality of training that fades inexorably towards the abyss, we think of the weekly surveys of European institutions we placed in the bottom of the lineup for the quality of teaching. We think above all that we do not want a school that you think just introducing us to the world of work, ie a school already precarious factory: we want a school where knowledge is shared partecipatoe, quality, all right, and why - to complete the militants LS - we will fight with the students of our city. "
Monday, October 4, 2010
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The local newspapers are covering interest after an initial silence with what looks increasingly like a real popular uprising.
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Considering the serious political situation in which there is the 'Italy still has precedence over all internal and external activities, procedures preconvention will take place in times and places established by the regulation established for the purpose by the secretariat. New
Force is preparing to host its Congress in this training and members of civil society, men and women whose will is now more than ever to save the 'Italy at this time to give serious and the' idea of \u200b\u200ba clear and Movement a political class who are preparing to replace the political parties and protagonists of the failure.
Up to newly elected local leaders, provincial and regional office will have to continue with their political tasks and tasks of coordinating and 'political office headed by the national secretary Roberto Fiore, the task to identify the strategy and battles of the Movement.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
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course to my predecessor (the DS and former magistrate Francesco Nuzzo Udeur) when they liked and well-meaning benefactors involved in the events at the head of thousands of non-EU immigrants to protest against the laws of the State. Rule of law you want to deny a people dying under the weight of a presence that is forbidden by law but that thousands and thousands and disregard when the state tries to act timidly, as he did with the operation or as a High Impact made by the liberation of 'American Palace, these same groups made up of do-gooders and men and women who have made craft solidarity opposed and protested as the Comboni fathers or community centers.
The same groups that for years they say and do the same things for decades and that propinano integration projects with public money. The result is that
Castel Volturno is defined by the Italian Soweto where everyone runs the right-minded men and included the cultural left. Castel Volturno was made to become no man's land where those who protest and demands respect for the rules of that state must be defended as happened in July by a group of street vendors (castle) who wanted to sell power to improperly cooked on the cob, as it happens every morning when the controller wants to pay for your ticket to non-EU, such as move away from our homes when the drug dealers, when they move away as prostitutes, as when we pointed out the unauthorized parking lot, like when we ask the Minister Maroni to expel thousands of illegal immigrants Castel Volturno, as when we ask to expel thousands of drug dealers, criminals, pimps and slave that most of the immigrants living here.
We want to live in peace as in all civilized countries, this is our desire, we will fight every form of demagoguery that our skin tries to show that the integration project led by the left in Italy is not failed. Instead Castel Volturno is the ultimate symbol of the failure of such integration can never be realized. And even models of society proposed by illegally occupied chairs from which you want to teach development models and the new economy at the expense of this community, far from their interests and their families and their patients: It is very convenient. You pay us the tax on trash for 15,000 people, you pay the insurance on their car, you pay taxes for possession, paid their medical services, public transport, the lawyers in court, they paid the cost of prisons, social security and insurance, 's electricity, schools, school transport, taxes. After the administration left the city no longer has the resources to maintain even minimal services to their citizens, pay us all and let make some Bisognin the presence of your women as they do here.
Give the properties that are not illegally occupied properties and do not resemble the piggeries. We simply want the application of Law, the rest is demagoguery and stupidity that we do not thrive more, this is why I vote for women and men of the left and right, populism is what is done for convenience, I fight against all and all for the good of my community to which I do not want to go the way of Native America and for that I will not discount anyone.
Scalzone Antonio - mayor of Castel Volturno
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We need to communicate the failure to authorize as according to the police station "antagonistic groups, including those from the province of Naples would propose to implement disruptive actions, taking advantage of the support of third country nationals linked to the social centers of the extreme left, the promoters of initiatives on behalf of themselves."
The national secretary Roberto Fiore is very serious and announced that this measure will be present with a delegation to the event on October 2 issued by the mayor of Castel Volturno. "Our struggle does not stop," New Forces in the next ten days will be present on the territory, because express is our right and across the total absence of the State are the only lifeline of those 25,000 people forced to suffer the presence of 15,000 immigrants. In addition to being the central node of our policy will be a free Castelvolturno commitment and support to the bitter end Italian citizenship!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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was September 29, 1997 when, with a solemn oath and with the protection of St. Michael the Archangel was founded Forza Nuova.
On this day, every militant solemnly renewed their pledge of allegiance to the cause forzanovista, invoking the powerful intercession of the prince of the heavenly army San Michele Arcangelo, which presents the Catholic Tradition as one who leads the angelic hosts faithful to God [the Holy Trinity: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit], against the rebellion of Lucifer.
The meaning of the name Michael is an act of loyalty and a war cry together: loyalty to God and His command, the war on those who deny, that Lucifer and his hosts. Michael, in fact, means "who as God", and this is the cry that launched the Archangel before the rebellion of those who do not accept the plan of Creatore.La figure of St. Michael the Archangel is manifest, therefore, in what may be considered subversive act par excellence, just the "Non Serviam" Lucifer, the refusal to serve God and indulge His plan, the act of the struggle between order el'antiordine, being fought between the men in time and space, is its dramatic reflection. San Michele is, therefore, the celestial guide of those who lined up under the banner of the Holy Trinity and fight to defend and assert order in human society, against the advisers of impiety, but also guide and help the fight that each of us is called to lead within, against anything that defiles our dignity as men and Christians.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches us to ask for help with these words: "Sancte Michael Archangel defends proel in nos. During the so-called Middle Ages, ie during the era of the Roman-Germanic European Christianity, which was the period of great faith and devotion - where the summit took up religion in the lives of individuals and the hierarchy of the political and social - the figure of St. Michael was dominant and highly venerated. The cavalry, ie the order of the fighters and defenders of the faith and of Christian society, has as its patron and defender of San Michele (Duce cavalry blue), being, however, St. George the archetype of holiness chivalry. The choice of Forza Nuova
to place themselves under the patronage of St. Michael the Archangel, shows the awareness of participating in a battle whose terms are only a reflection of political, practice social economic and the best way to demonstrate this awareness, can only be represented by a coherent life-style.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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Secretary Roberto Fiore of Forza Nuova spoke about the town of Castel Volturno, literally occupied by more than 15 000 illegal immigrants, mostly engaged in criminal activities and announces an event for next week: "Castel Volturno is an example, the symbol of what happens when a community is abandoned by the state and the Government. The Government made some promises, has not kept. Castelvolturno is Italy tomorrow. The only way to react is in ' Popular Force units that New plan to support. Next week we will do a demonstration to demand the immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants on the ground, and we ask the mayor to attend and participate: only a united people can be strong enough to reverse this situation. "
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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Forza Nuova, despite attempts by some quarters to make us look, in Campania, divided (we refer to the self-styled releases elusive and raving about the new right-wing Democratic Centre) and in opposition to one ... no i, or the process of alliances, for us, unnatural, with PDL, reiterates its firm line against government and opposition, parties and rulers also and especially in this region. In Campania, the movement is slow and steady growth and presents itself as a united force and granite, all intent on fighting the system, as the manifestation of Battipaglia have once again proved (if proof were needed). Humility, hierarchy and meritocracy are the only criteria for a career in Forza Nuova, and stir unnecessary proclamations about alleged dissension between the base and even regional leadership on economic management is just plain stupid, we base our activism on self-sacrifice or loss do not have money to manage or distribute, as they have for many years democomunisti of every race and anti-fascists of the trade. We smile and we welcome your interest, we are on track and your lies are proof.
Regional Coordinator: Mr. Michael Anthony Giliberti
The full text
More on the crisis and turmoil in nuovaMilitanti Force operations in progress in the movement of Roberto Fiore in the upcoming elections politicheRedazione - Democratic Centre - 14 / 09/2010
Stressing the militants as a new force, and more generally the right of Milan, is now intervening on Indymedia and anti-fascists on blogs to try to deny the news and try to sviarle, sometimes becoming painfully pass 'Company', confirm, point by point, the information we published in the famous "Crisis of Forza Nuova in Milan, and the extreme right movements at the national level in view of possible early elections." The basis of Fn is at this time strong in turmoil, surprised by the proposals advanced by Roberto Fiore in a private meeting with Joseph Ciarrapico and Alessandra Mussolini, about an agreement with the PDL, in order to elect a deputy on their lists. In this case, force new elections are not present, choosing the withdrawal. Few realize, however, that the intention of Roberto Fiore would be to nominate his brother lawyer, Stephen. In Milan, moreover, are now in force in new many who question the closeness of Duilio Canu-subjection to the right social An-Pdl and in particular its young leaders Milanese, Roberta Capotosti, Carlo Fidanza and Antonluca Romano. They, in turn, are in fact pressing for a withdrawal of Fn in their favor in the upcoming municipal elections. In Naples, the base forzanovista, on blogs and in sections, is severely challenged the administration's economic policy and also regional coordinator forzanovista, Michele Giliberti. In Calabria, the section of Reggio has passed all the Pdl, join the regional chairman of the powerful, Beppe Scopelliti, the last national secretary of the Youth Front. The latest concerns the progressive detachment between Fn and Father Tam and the approximation of the latter to lefevriani traditionalist Society of St. Pius X, who would not want to continue to engage in "politics."